Flangers are tools with a specific character and are indispensable for guitars, and a wide range of other instruments. MMultiBandFlanger is the top class representative, which will beat every other flanger on the market in terms of both audio quality and features.
Audio quality first:
MFlangerMB features up to 16x upsampling, sinc-interpolation, analog-style saturation and other features. The results will satisfy everyone searching for the maximum audio quality.
6 bands with custom shape and other advanced features:
MFlangerMB provides way more than common flanger effects. Features such as custom oscillator shapes, analog-like saturation, jet (additional tremolo), synchronization you can rarely find anywhere-else. And with 6 bands you can really start being creative.
Modulation heaven:
Does you music sound a little static? Well not anymore. You can modulate any parameter, and each modulator can work as an LFO, audio level follower, enveloper, randomizer and even pitch detector.
Features :
- The most advanced user interface on the market - stylable, resizable, GPU accelerated
- Dual user interface, easy screen for beginners, edit screen for professionals
- 1-6 fully configurable independent bands
- Adjustable oscillator shape technology
- Tube saturation
- M/S, single channel, up to 8 channels surround processing...
- Sinc interpolation
- Adjustable up-sampling 1x-16x
- Synchronization to host tempo
- MIDI controllers with MIDI learn
- 64-bit processing and an unlimited sampling rate
- Free-for-life updates
System Requirements & Compatibility :
- Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
- VST / VST3 / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
- Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support
Always use 32-bit plug-ins in 32-bit hosts, or 64-bit plug-ins in 64-bit hosts!
64-bit plug-ins can't work in 32-bit hosts even if the operating system is 64-bit. Do NOT use 32-bit plug-ins in 64-bit hosts. They would have to be bridged and can become slow and unstable. Please check your product PDF documentation (available directly from its web page) for more information and installation instructions.
- macOS 10.14 and newer (64-bit)
- VST / VST3 / AU / AAX compatible host)
- Intel/AMD/M1 processor with SSE2 support
- M1 (native Apple Silicon ARM CPU) support
But even when your computer is below the minimum requirements, the plugins may work just fine. Please use the trial period to find out.
Please check your product PDF documentation (available directly from its web page) for more information and installation instructions.
Linux is not directly supported, but it is apparently possible to run the plug-ins via Wine. Before installing, you have to make sure that your ".wine/drive_c/windows/Fonts/" directory is populated with Microsoft True Type Fonts (which is generally available as a package on Linux distributions).
Demo Version
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